Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rolf Bader
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Curriculum Vitae
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rolf Bader MA
University of Hamburg
Institute of Systematic Musicology
Neue Rabenstr. 13, 20354 Hamburg
May 2016
Rolf Bader studied Systematic Musicology, Physics, Ethnology, and Historic Musicology at the University of Hamburg where he obtained his PhD and Habilitation. He is Professor for Systematic Musicology at the Institute of Systematic Musicology, University of Hamburg since 2007. His major fields of research are Musical Acoustics and Musical Signal Processing, Musical Hardware and Software Development, Music Ethnology, Music Psychology, and Philosophy of Music. He published several books and papers about these topics. He was a visiting scholar at the Center for Computer Music and Research (CCRMA) at Stanford University 2005-6. He was also working as a professional musician, composer, and artist, running recording studios, working as a music journalist, leading exhibitions, and running a cinema. He conducted fieldwork as an Ethnomusicologist in Bali, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China and India since 1999.
- * 27.04.1969 in Stuttgart
- from 1991 studies in Systematic Musicology with subsidiary studies in physics, ethnology and historical musicology at the University of Hamburg
- 1993-1999 besides the university studies, education and work as a freelance artist
- 2000 Master in Systematic Musicology (summa cum laude)
- 2002 Doctor degree of philosophy in the field of Systematic Musicology ('summa cum laude’) with the work “Fraktale Dimensionen, Informationsstrukturen und Mikrorhythmik der Einschwingvorgänge von Musikinstrumenten” ("Fractal dimensions, Information structures and microrhythm of initial transients of musical instruments")
- 2005 Habilitation in Systematische Musikwissenschaft at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Hamburg on ‚Transient sound synthesis of the guitar using Finite-Difference modelling of the whole body‘
- 2005 Visiting Scholar at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustic (CCRMA), Stanford, USA. Lecture 'Finite Elements in Musical Acoustics – Methods and Applications' and research project 'Full geometry modelling of a Drum Kit'.
- Since 2007 Professor of Systematic Musicology at the Institute of Systematic Musicology at the University of Hamburg
2022 "Musik und künstliche Intelligenz" Ausstellung im Hamburger Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe 2023
2022 Hamburg Innoveration, Calls For Transfer: Eine durch KI gestützte, semantische Musiksuche für professionelle "Music Production Libraries" auf Basis eines Zeichen- und Symbolsystems
2021 Landesforschungsförderung: Scanning Vibrometer PSV-500-B
2021 Untersuchung der Musikverarbeitung mit dem CI unter Berücksichtigung chirurgischer, audiologischer und rehabilitativer Aspekte, in Cooperation with Universitätsklinikum Schleswig Holstein, Campus Lübeck, Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-, Nasen-, und Ohrenheilkunde, PI: PD Dr. med. Karl-Ludwig Bruchhage
2020 Landesforschungsförderung: Fokales Laserscanning Mikroskop
2019 Landesforschungsförderung: Fokales Pulsbares Lasermeßgerät für Quantentomographie, Erweiterungsmodul für proFPGA-QUAD Motherboard
2018 Landesforschungsförderung: BigRep STUDIO & 3 devo, Set for filament production
2017 DFG National Funding: Music information retrieval based data infrastructure for ethnographic sound recording archives
2014 DFG National Funding: Real-Time FPGA and GUI-driven Auralization of Geometry and Material Variations of the Piano in cooperation with Steinway & Sons
2013 DFG National Funding: Real-Time FPGA Hardware Implementation of Musical Instrument Physical Modelling
2013 Landesforschungsförderung: 3D Scanner
2012 EU Funding: International Summer School for Systematic Musicology (ISSSM 2012)
2012 DFG National Funding: Designing Musical Hardware Using Inverser Microphone-Array Techniques and Finite-Element Methods
2011 Landesforschungsförderung: High-speed camera
Bader, R. (ed.): Computational Phonogram Archiving. Springer Series Current Research in Systematic Musicology Vol. 5. Springer Heidelberg 2019.
Bader, R. (ed.): Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology. Springer,Heidelberg, 2018.
Bader, R.: Nonlinearities and Synchronization in Musical Acoustics and Music Psychology. Springer Series Current Research in Systematic Musicology Vol. 2. Springer Heidelberg 2013.
Bader, R. (ed.): Sound – Perception – Performance. Springer Series ‘Current Research in Systematic Musicology, Vol. 1. Springer Heidelberg 2013.
Bader, R., Neuhaus, Ch, & Morgenstern, U.(eds.): Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork: Studies in Systematic Musicology. Peter Lang Verlag 2009.
Bader, R. (ed. / Hrsg.): Musical Acoustics, Neurocognition and Psychology of Music, Current Research at the Institute of Musicology, University of Hamburg / Musikalische Akustik, Neurokognition und Musikpsychologie, Aktuelle Forschungen am Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Universität Hamburg. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 2009.
Bader, R.: Zur Herleitung musikalischer Bedeutung und musikalischer Ethik. Peter Lang Verlag, 2006.
Bader, R.: Computational Mechanics of the Classical Guitar. Springer Oktober 2005 (http://www.springeronline.com/3-540-25136-7).
Bader, R.: Fraktale Dimensionen, Infomationsstrukturen und Mikrorhythmik der Einschwingvorgänge von Musikinstrumenten. Doktorarbeit der Universität Hamburg 2002. (http://www.sub.uni-hamburg.de/volltexte/2002/598).
Bader, R.: Zeitreihenanalyse und spektrale Darstellung von Einschwingvorgängen perkussiver und nicht perkussiver Musikinstrumente. Magisterschrift der Universität Hamburg 2000.
Book Contributions
Bader, R.: Microphone Array. In: T. Rossing (ed.): Springer Handbook of Acoustics 1179-1207, 2014.
Bader, R.: Synchronization in music. Routledge Companion on Embodied Music Interaction. Routledge 2016 (in print).
Halmrast, T., Guettler, K., Bader, R., & Godoy, R.I.: Gesture and Timbre. In: Rolf Inge Godoy & Marc Leman: Musical Gestures. Sound, Movement, and Meanig. Routledge 2010.
Bader, R.: Additional modes in a Balinese gender plate due to its trapezoid shape. In: Bader, R., Neuhaus, Ch, & Morgenstern, U. (eds.): Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork: Studies in Systematic Musicology. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 95-112, 2009.
Bader, R., Münster, M., Richter, J, & Timm, H.: Microphone Array Measurements of Drums and Flutes. In: Bader, R. (ed. / Hrsg.).: Musical Acoustics, Neurocognition and Psychology of Music / Musikalische Akustik, Neurokognition und Musikpsychologie. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25, 13-54, 2009.
Lau, B., Bader, R., Schneider, A. & Wriggers, P.: Finite-Element transient calculation of a bell struck by its clapper. In: Bader, R., Neuhaus, Ch, & Morgenstern, U. (eds.): Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork: Studies in Systematic Musicology. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 137-156, 2009.
Schneider, A., von Ruschkowski, A., & Bader, R.: Klangliche Rauhigkeit, ihre Wahrnehmung und Messung. In: Bader, R. (ed. / Hrsg.).: Musical Acoustics, Neurocognition and Psychology of Music / Musikalische Akustik, Neurokognition und Musikpsychologie. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25, 101-144, 2009.
Pfeifle, F. & Bader, R.: Real-Time Physical Modelling of a real Banjo geometry using FPGA hardware technology. In: Bader, R. (ed. / Hrsg.).: Musical Acoustics, Neurocognition and Psychology of Music / Musikalische Akustik, Neurokognition und Musikpsychologie. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25, 71-86, 2009.
Bader, R., Diezt, M.-K., Elvers, P, Elias, M., & Tolkien, L.: Foundation of a Syllogistic Music Theory. In:
Bader, R. (ed. / Hrsg.).: Musical Acoustics, Neurocognition and Psychology of Music / Musikalische Akustik, Neurokognition und Musikpsychologie. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25, 177-196, 2009.
Bader, R. & Hansen, U.: Acoustical Analysis and Modeling of Musical Instruments Using Modern Signal Processing Methods. In: Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics. D. Havelock, M. Vorländer, S. Kuwano (ed.). Springer, 219-247, 2008.
Bader, R.: Efficient Auditory Coding of a Xylophone Bar. In: A. Schneider (ed.): Concepts, Methods, Findings: Studies in Systematic Musicology. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 24. Hamburg, Peter Lang Verlag, 197-212, 2008.
Bader, R.: Fractal Worlds. Fractal dimension analysis in free improvisation. Kapitel in und mit David Borgo´s Buch über freie Improvisation, Erscheinen 2006.
Bader, R.: Berechnung fraktaler Strukturen in den Études für Klavier von György Ligeti. In: Manfred Stahnke (ed.) Mikrotöne und mehr. Auf György Ligetis Hamburger Pfaden. Bockel-Verlag Hamburg, 2005.
Peer Reviewed Papers (Selection)
Bader, R., Linke, S. & Gernert, S.: Nonlinear Impulse Pattern Formulation dynamical social and political prediction algorithm for city planning and public participation. arXiv:submit/5507296 [nlin.AO] 1 Apr 2024.
Bader, R.: Guitar Spectrum Smoothing using Metamaterial Hollow Fans. Proceedings DAGA 2024.
Bader, R.: Modeling Temporal Lobe Epilepsy during Music Large-Scale Form Perception Using the Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) Brain Model. Electronics 2024, 13(2), 362; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13020362
Bader, R.: Modeling Temporal Lobe Epilepsy during Music Large-Scale Form Perception using the Impulse
Pattern Formulation (IPF) Brain Mode. arXiv:submit/5153691 [q-bio.NC] 5 Oct 2023.
Alexandraki, C., Starakis, M., Zervas, P., & Bader, R.: Inferring Drumhead Damping and Tuning from Sound Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Models. Acoustics 5, 798–816, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/ acoustics5030047
Alexandraki, C., Starakis, M., Bader, R & Zervas, P., Machine learning of Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) physical modelling sound simulation of drumhead paste pattern distributions, Proceedings Forum Acusticum 2023, 1–8, 2023. https://appfa2023.silsystem.solutions/atti/001053.pdf
Sawicki, J., Berner, R., Loos, S.A.M., Anvari, M., Bader, R., Barfuss, W., Botta, B., Brede, N., Franović, I., Gauthier, D.J., Goldt, S., Hajizadeh, A., Hövel, Ph., Karin, O., Lorenz-Spreen, Ph.,Miehl, Ch., Mölter, J., Olmi, S., Schöll, E., Seif, A., Tass, E.A., Volpe, G., Yanchuk, S. & Kurths, J.: Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems. Chaos 33, 071501 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0147231
Bader, R.: Long radiation initial transient time (RITT) laser interferometry measurements of a
Balinese gender bronze plate. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 49, 035017 (2022); doi: 10.1121/2.000168
Bader, R.: Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) Brain Model. arXiv:submit/4660893 [q-bio.NC] 21 Dec 2022
Bader, R.; Plath, N. Impact of Damping on Oscillation Patterns on the Plain Piano Soundboard. Acoustics 2022, 4, 1013–1027.
Bader, R.: Long radiation initial transient time (RITT) laser interferometry measurements of a Balinese gender bronze plate. Fourth Vienna Talks on Music Acoustics. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 1–13, 2022.
Linke, S., Bader, R. & Mores, R.: Describing minimum bow force using Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) – an empirical validation. POMA 2022.
Sawicki, J., Hartmann, L, Bader, R. & Schöll, E.: Modelling the perception of music in brain network dynamics. Frontiers in Network Physiology 2:910920. doi: 10.3389/fnetp.2022.910920
Linke, S., Bader, R. & Mores, R.: Modeling synchronization in human musical rhythms using Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF). arXiv:submit/4062462 [q-bio.NC] 2021
Plath, N. & Bader, R.: Piano Timbre Development Analysis using Machine Learning. arXiv:submit/4061895 [q-bio.NC] 2021.
Abe, O. & Bader, R.: Sound Radiation of Human Voices in Singing. International Journal of Informatics Society, VOL.13, NO.2, 67–78, 2021.
Linke, S., Bader, R., & Mores, R.: Influence of the supporting table on initial transients of the fretted zither: An impulse pattern formulation model. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 43, 035003 (2021); doi: 10.1121/2.0001494
Bader, R.: The music of Northern Myanmar Kachin ethnic group, facing politics, religion, and globalization. Preprint 2021.
Bader, R., Blaß, M. & Franke, J.: Computational timbre and tonal system similarity analysis of the music of Northern Myanmar-based Kachin compared to Xinjiang-based Uyghur ethnic groups. Preprint: arXiv:submit/3650053 [q-bio.NC] 15 Mar 2021.
Bader, R., Zielke, A. & Franke, J.: Timbre-based machine learning of clustering Chinese and Western Hip Hop music. Audio Engineering Society Presentation, Spring 2021.
Bader, R.: Spectrally-Shaping Viscoelastic Finite-Difference Time Domain Model of a Membrane. International Journal of Informatics Society, 12(2), 81–93, 2020.
Bader, R. & Plath, N.: Impact of damping on oscillation patterns on the plain piano soundboard, Preprint: https://zenodo.org/record/4133250, 2020.
Bader, R., Gernert, S., Mischo, J.: Metamaterial labyrinth wall for very low and broad-band sound absorption. Preprint 2020, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3870554
Bader, R.: Neural coincidence detection strategies during perception of multi-pitch musical tones. arXiv:2001.06212 [q-bio.NC] https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.06212
Hartmann, L. & Bader, R.: Neural Synchronization of Music Large-Scale Form. Arxiv:2005.069.38 [q-bio.NC] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.06938.pdf
Linke, S., Bader, R. & Mores, R.: The impulse pattern formulation (IPF) as a model of musical instruments—Investigation of stability and limits, Chaos 29, 103109–1, 2019.
Bader, R.: Spectrally-Shaping Viscoelastic Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) model of a membrane. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3332874, 2019.
Bader, R., Fischer, J. L., Münster, M. & Kontopidis, P.: Metamaterials in Musical Instruments. Proceedings International Symposium of Musical Instruments (ISMA), 1–19, 2019.
Linke, S., Bader, R. & Mores, R.:The Impuls Pattern Formulation (IPF) as a nonlinear model of musical instruments. Proceedings International Symposium of Musical Instruments (ISMA), 1-10, 2019.
Bader, R., Fischer, J. L., Münster, M. & Kontopidis, P.: Metamaterials in Musical Acoustics: A modified frame drum. JASA 145 (5), 3086–94, 2019.
Bader, R. (ed.): Compuational Phonogram Archiving. Springer Series Current Research in Systematic Musicology Vol. 5, 2019 .
Bader, R.: Temperament in Tuning Systems of Southeast Asia and Ancient India. In: R. Bader (ed.): Computational Phonogram Archiving, Springer Series ‘Current Research in Systematic Musicology’, Vol. 5, 75–108, 2019.
Bader, R.: Computational Music Archiving as Physical Culture Theory. In: R. Bader (ed.): Computational Phonogram Archiving, Springer Series ‘Current Research in Systematic Musicology’, Vol. 5, 3–36, 2019.
Blaß, M. & Bader, R.: Content Based Music Retrieval and Visualization System for Ethnomusicological Music Archives. In: R. Bader (ed.): Computational Phonogram Archiving, Springer Series ‘Current Research in Systematic Musicology’, Vol. 5, 145–174, 2019.
Wendt, G. & Bader, R.: Analysis and Perception of Javanese Gamelan Tunings. In: R. Bader (ed.): Computational Phonogram Archiving, Springer Series ‘Current Research in Systematic Musicology’, Vol. 5, 129–144, 2019.
Bader, R.: Cochlear spike synchronization and coincidence detection model. Chaos 023105, 1–10, 2018.
Bader, R. & Mores, R.: Cochlear detection of double-slip motion in cello bowing. arXiv:1804.05695v1 [q-bio.NC] 16 Apr 2018
Ziemer, T. & Bader, R.: Psychoacoustic Sound Field Synthesis for Musical Instrument Radiation Characteristics. J. Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 65, No. 6, June 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17743/jaes.2017.0014
Alexandraki, Ch., Bader, R.: Anticipatory Networked Communications for Live Musical Interactions of Acoustic Instruments, J. New Music Research 45 (1), 68–85, 2016.
Bader, R.: Phase synchronization in the cochlea at transition from mechanical waves to electrical spikes, Chaos 25, 103124, http://dx.doi.org.1757.emedien3.sub.uni-hamburg.de/10.1063/1.4932513, 2015.
Pfeifle, F., Bader, R.: Real-Time Finite-Difference Method Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments Using Field-Programmable Gate Array Hardware, J. Audio Engineering Society 63 (12), 1001–1016, 2015.
Ziemer, Tim und Bader, Rolf, “Implementing the Radiation Characteristics of Musical Instruments in a Psychoacoustic Sound Field Synthesis System”, in: 139th International AES Convention, 2015.
Verstraelen, Math, Florian Pfeifle, and Rolf Bader: Feasibility Analysis of Real-Time Physical Modeling Using WaveCore Processor Technology on FPGA. In Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, edited by Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou, and Werner Goebl, 268–75, 2015.
Bader, R.: Microphone Array. In: T. Rossing (ed.): Springer Handbook of Acoustics 1179–1207, 2014.
Bader, R.: Radiation characteristics of multiple and single sound hole vihuelas and a classical guitar. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131 (1), 819–828, 2012.
Bader, R., & Schneider, A.: Playing “Live” at the Star-Club: Reconstructing the Room Acoustics of a Famous Music Hall. Albrecht Schneider & Arne von Ruschkowski (eds.): Systematic Musicology: Empirical and Theoretical Studies. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 28. Peter Lang Verlag, 185–210, 2012.
Bader, R.: Buddhism, Animism, and Entertainment in Cambodian Melismatic Chanting smot. A. Schneider & A. von Ruschkowski (eds.): Hamburg Yearbook of Musicology 28, 283–305, 2011.
Bader, R.: Characterizing Classical Guitars Using Top Plate Radiation Patterns Measured by a Microphone Array. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 97, 830–839, 2011.
Bader, R.: Reconstruction of radiating sound fields using minimum energy method. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 (1), 300–308, 2010.
Beurmann, A., Bader, R., & Schneider, A.: An acoustical study of a Kirkman harpsichord from 1766. Galpin Society Journal LXIII, 61–72, 2010.
Bader, R.: Characterization of guitars through fractal correlation dimensions of initial transients. In: J. of New Music Research, 35 (4), 323–32, 2008.
Bader, R.: Turbulence Modelling using Molecular Dynamic Simulation Techniques. In: Proceedings ISMA (International Symposium for Musical Acoustics), Barcelona, 2007.
Bader, R.: Turbulent k-e model of flute-like musical instrument sound production. In: E. Lutton & J. Lévy-Véhel (ed.): Fractals in Engineering. New trends in theory and applications. Springer 2005 109–122.
Bader, R.: Fractal correlation dimensions and discrete-pseudo-phase-plots of percussion instruments in relation to cultural world view. Invited Paper in: Ingenierias, Octubre-Diciembre 2002, Vol. V. No 17, p. 1–11.
Haase, M., Widjajakusuma, J. & Bader, R.: Scaling Laws and Frequency Decomposition from Wavelet Transform Maxima Lines and Ridges. In: Novak, M.M. (ed.): Emergent Nature. World Scietific 2002, p 365–74.
Bader, R. & Markuse, B.: Perception and Analyzing Methods of Groove in Popular Music. In: Systematische Musikwissenschaft, II/1, S.145–153, 1994.
Schneider, A. & Bader, R.: Akustische Grundlagen Musikalischer Klänge. In: Mitteilungen der mathematischen Gesellschaft Hamburg, 2003.
Organized Meetings
2016 Towards a World Music Theory, Symposium Hamburg 2016
2012 Organization of the International Summer School for Systematic Musicology (ISSSM 2012) at the Institute of Systematic Musicology, University of Hamburg
2009 Organizer of the Symposium ‘Musical Acoustics, Neurophysiology of Music and Musicpsychology’ at the Institute of Musicology in Hamburg
2008 Organizer of the Symposium ‘Musical Acoustics, Neurophysiology of Music and Musicpsychology’ at the Institute of Musicology in Hamburg
Invited Talks (Selection)
2015 Invited Talk ‚ Microphone Array measurements of the grand piano’ at 12th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (ICTCA), which is to be held in Hangzhou, China from October 11 to 16, 2015
2015 Invited Talk ‘Physical Modeling of Musical Friction Instruments’ at 170th meeting of the American Acoustical Society, Jacksonville, USA
2015 Invited Talk ‘Digital Guitar Workshop – A physical modeling software for instrument builders’ at Vienna Talks, Symposium of Musical Acoustics, Austria
2014 Invited Talk ‘Inverse Problems in Musical Acoustics and Music Psychology’ at International Summer School for Systematic Musicology (ISSSM 2015) Genua, Italy
2014 Invited Talk ‘Models and findings of synchronization in Musical Acoustics and Music Psychology’ 168th meeting of the American Acoustical Society, Indianapolis, USA
2012 Invited Talk ‚Nichtlinearitäten und Selbstorganisation in Musikalischer Akustik und Musikpsychologie‘ im Department of Physics, Universität Paderborn
2011 Invited Talk ‚Synergetik in Musikalischer Akustik und Musikpsychologie‘ Physikalisches Institut, Universität Cemnitz
2011 Invited Talk ‚Vibrational Analysis of a Kirkman harpsichord from 1766 using Microphone Array techniques‘ at the Symposium ‘Analysis and Description of Musical Instruments using Engineering Techniques’ at the Händel-Haus Halle
2009 Invited Talk 'Microphone Array techniques and wind instruments' at the Summer Meeting ‘Wind Instrument Acoustics’ at the University of Edinburgh
2009 Invited Talk ‘Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments' at the workshop ‘Quality Improvement’ at the Mathematische Statistik und naturwissenschaftliche Anwendungen, University of Dortmund
2008 Invited Talk at the 155th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami ‘Acoustic Holography of Musical Instruments using Radiation Directivity Method’
2007 Invited Talks at the ISMA 2007 (International Symposium of Musical Acoustics) in Barcelona about ‘Turbulence Modelling using Molecular Dynamic Simulation Techniques’ and ‘ Spatial Cognitive Timbre Dimensions of Physical Modelling Sounds using Multi-Dimensional Scaling Techniques (MDS).
2005 Invited talk "Whole Geometry Finite Difference Modeling of the Violin” at the Conference 'Forum Acousticum' in the Session "Physics of Musical Instruments" in Budapest.
2005 Invited talk at the Frauenhofer Institut Stuttgart, Department of Physics, Organ Building by Prof. Judith Angster about Synergetic of Musical Instruments and Turbulence Modeling with wind instruments.
2005 Invited talk during the 149th meeting of The Acoustical Society of America in Vancouver about "Complete Geometry Computer Simulation of are Classical Guitar" in the Session "Virtual Instrument" by Prof. Julius Smith (Center for Computer Research and Musical Acoustics CCRMA, Standord University).
2004 Invited talk at the Optical Institute of the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) by Prof. Ding "The Guitar as a Coupled Vibrating System in full Geometrical Computer Modeling; Results and Future Work".
2004 Invited talk at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg by Prof. Zölzer about "Nonlinear Dynamics and Synergetic (self-organisation) in Musical Acoustics".
2004 Invited talk and at the Insitute of Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace, University of Stuttgart about "Musical Acoustics as Self-organisation in the Violin".
2003 Invited talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Technical University Berlin about "Nonlinear Dynamics and Synergetic in Musical Acoustics"
2002 Invited talk during the 5th International Meeting “Dgital Audio Effects DAFx 02”
2001 Invited talk at the workshop "Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music" on September 22nd to 25th in Kassel
Organized Special Sessions (Selection)
2015 Organizer of special session ‘Physical modeling tools for Musical Instruments’ at Vienna Talks, Symposium of Musical Acoustics, Austria
2014 Organizer of special session ‘Synchronization Models in Musical Acoustics and Psychology’ at 168th meeting of the American Acoustical Society, Indianapolis, USA
2009 Organizer of special session ‘Physics of Musical Instruments’ at the Joined meeting of the Deutsche Akustische Gesellschaft with the Dutch Acoustical Society in Rotterdam with talk ‘Radiation Pattern and Characterization of Classical Guitars’
2009 Organizer of special session ‘Microphone array techniques in musical acoustics’ at the 155th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Portland with talk ‘Real-time guitar radiation sound synthesis of forced string and body eigenfrequency vibrations using microphone array techniques’
2009 Organizer of special session ‘Musical Acoustics: Psychoacoustic response to Musical Insttruments’ at the 158th Meeting of the American Acoustical Society, San Antonio, 2009
2007 Organizer of special session ‘Flow Dynamics in Musical Instruments’ at the 153th Meeting of the American Acoustical Society, 2007.
2006 Co-Organizer of special session ‘Finite-Elements and Finite-Difference Metehods in Musical Acoustics I & II’. 151th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, 2006.
Teacher Summer Schools
2005 Invitation to the "XXV Dynamic Days Europes 2005" in Berlin for exhibition, installation concert and lecture about the results of the Hamburg Music Acoustic Research in the range of nonlinearities and coupled systems; meeting organizer: Prof. Eckehard Schöll.
2003 Exhibition, Installation and Concert ANKLANG between May 25th and June 1st 2003 during the 25. International Study Week for Contemporary Music at the EULEC (European Live Electronic Centre) in Lüneburg. Concert with Rolf Bader, Markus Stockhausen, Heiner Metzger and Harry Nitz.
2002 Exhibition, Installation and Concert ANKLANG (“initial sound”) for the presentation of the results of the doctor thesis at the Music Conservatory of Hamburg in cooperation with the artists Judith Haman, and Heiner Metzger and further musicians of the TonArt ensemble Hamburg under the patronage of Prof. Hempel, guitar professor and Dekan of the Conservatory of Music and Drama in Hamburg
Fieldwork (selection)
2016 Myanmar, Kachin state, Potao region
2015 Xingjang, Uyghur in Kashgar and Turfan
2014 Sri Lanka, Tamil kotooth music in Jaffna
2013 Myanmar, music of Kachin state
2010 Cambodia, Smut monk chanting style
2008 Fieldwork in India about Music of the Himachal Pradesch
2005 Nepal, Anapurna Region
1999 Bali, North Bali Gender Wayang style
Proceedings Papers (Selection)
Bader, R., Mores, R.: Bifurcations in cello bowing using bow force below or above the Helmholtz regime, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 1888, http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4933924, 2015.
Fischer, J.L., Bader, R.: 'Numerische Simulation der Synchronisation von Orgelpfeifen',
FAMA 2015, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2015.
Fischer, J.L., Bader, R.: 'Coupled Organ Pipes and Synchjronization - Investigations and Numerical Methods', Vienna Talk 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015.
Fischer, J.L., Bader, R., Abel, M.: 'Coupled Organ Pipes - Numerical Investigations and New Synchronization Experiments', Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Tagungsband, 79. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015, Berlin, Deutschland, 2015.
Ziemer, T. und Bader, R., Complex point source model to calculate the sound field radiated from musical instruments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 1936, http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4934107, 2015.
Ziemer, Tim und Bader, Rolf, “Implementing the Radiation Characteristics of Musical Instruments in a Psychoacoustic Sound Field Synthesis System (Abstract)”, in: J. Audio Eng. Soc. 63(12), 2015, S. 1094.
Ziemer, T. und Bader, R., “Complex point source model to calculate the sound field radiated from musical instruments”, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 25, 035001, http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/2.0000122, 2015.
Bader, Rolf, Florian Pfeifle, and Niko Plath. “Microphone Array Measurements, High-Speed Camera Recordings, and Geometrical Finite-Differences Physical Modeling of the Grand Piano.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136, no. 4 (2014): 2132–2132. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4899691.
Bader, Rolf, Florian Pfeifle, Niko Plath, and Christian Koehn. “Measurements of Friction Instruments with High-Speed Camera and Subpixel Tracking.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138, no. 3 (2015): 1888–1888. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4933927.
Bader, R., Richter, J., Münster, M. and Pfeifle, F.: “Digital Guitar Workshop – A Physical Modeling Software for Instrument Builders.” In Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, edited by Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou, and Werner Goebl, 266–266, 2015.
Alexandraki, Ch., Bader, R.: Real-time concatenative synthesis for networked musical interactions, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 19, 035040, http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4800043, 2013.
Richter, J., Münster, M., Bader, R.: Calculating guitar sound radiation by forward-propagating measured forced-oscillation patterns, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 19, 035002, http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4799461, 2013.
Münster, M., Richter, J., Bader, R.: Eigenvalue shapes compared to forced oscillation patterns of guitars, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 19, 035001, http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4799103, 2013.
Bader, R.: Outside-instrument coupling of resonance chambers in the New-Ireland friction instrument lounuet, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 15, 035007 http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/2.0000167 , 2012.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Measurement and Analysis of Sound Radiation Patterns of the Chinese Ruan and the Yueqin.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, no. 4 (2012): 3218–3218.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Measurement and Physical Modelling of Sound Hole Radiations of Lutes.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, no. 4 (2011): 2507–2507.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Membrane Modes and Air Resonances of the Banjo Using Physical Modeling and Microphone Array Measurements.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, no. 3 (2010): 1870–1870.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Nonlinear Coupling and Tension Effects in a Real-Time Physical Model of a Banjo.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, no. 4 (2011): 2432–2432.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Real-Time Finite-Difference String-Bow Interaction Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Model Coupled to a Violin Body.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, no. 4 (2011): 2507–2507.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Real-Time Virtual Banjo Model and Measurements Using a Microphone Array.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, no. 4 (2009): 2515–2515.
Pfeifle, F., R. Bader, “Real-Time Finite-Difference Method Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments Using Field-Programmable Gate Array Hardware.” J. Audio Eng. Soc 63, no. 12 (2016): 1001–16.
Pfeifle, F., and R. Bader, “Real-Time Finite Difference Physical Models of Musical Instruments on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).” Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-12), September 2012, 63–70.
Pfeifle, F., and R. Bader, “Real-Time Physical Models of Musical Instruments: Applications and Findings.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134, no. 5 (2013): 4242–4242.
Plath, N., Pfeifle, F., Koehn, Ch., Bader, R., “Microphone Array Measurements of the Grand Piano.” In Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, edited by Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou, and Werner Goebl, 156–156, 2015.
Alexandraki C. and R. Bader. 2014. "Using computer accompaniment to assist networked music performance," Proceedings of the AES 53rd Conference on Semantic Audio, pp. 1-10.
Bader, R.: Calculation of Helmholtz frequency of a Renaissance vihuela string instrument with five tone holes. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 (4), 2508, 2011.
Bader, R., Pfeifle, F.: Nonlinear Coupling and Tension Effects in a Real-Time Physical Model of a Banjo. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 (4), 2432, 2011.
Pfeifle, F., Bader, R.: Real-time Finite-Difference string-bow interaction FPGA model coupled to a violin body. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 (4), 2507, 2011.
Bader, R.: Vibrational Analysis of the Soundboard of a Kirkman Harpsichord of 1766 Using Microphone Array Techniques. In: Analysis and Description of Musical Instruments Using Engineering Methods, 133-139, Händel-Haus Halle, 2011.
Bader, R.: Theoretical Framework for Initial Transient and Steady-State Frequency Amplitudes of Musical Instruments as Coupled Subsystems. In: Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA), Sydney and Katoomba, 1-8, 2010.
Bader, R.: Real-time guitar radiation sound synthesis of forced string and body eigenfrequency vibrations using microphone array techniques. JASA 125, 2515, 2009.
Bader, R.: Musical Instrument Sound Radiation Pattern. Lay-language Paper, American Acoustical Society, Miami Meeting 2008. http://www.acoustics.org/press/156th/bader.html
Bader, R.: Fine tuning of guitar sounds with changed top plate, back plate and rim geometry using a whole body 3D Finite-Difference model. In: Forum Acusticum joined with American Acoustical Society Paris 08, 5039-5044, 2008.
Bader, R.: Individual reed characteristics due to changed damping using coupled flow-structure and time-dependent geometry changing Finite-Element calculation. In: Forum Acusticum joined with American Acoustical Society Paris 08, 3405-3410, 2008.
Bader, R.: Efficient coding of a xylophone sound using spikogram non-redundent coding. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.123, 3804, 2008.
Bader, R.: Timbre Perception of Changes in Musical Instrument Geometry using Physical Modeling Techniques. In: DAGA 2008, Dresden 2008.
Bader, R.: Spatial Cognitive Timbre Dimensions of Physical Modelling Sounds using Multi-Dimensional Scaling Techniques (MDS). In: Proceedings ISMA (International Symposium for Musical Acoustics), Barcelona, 2007.
Bader, R.: Turbulent flow modeling using combined compressable Euler and molecular dynamic simulations (MDS) methods. In: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 3158 (2007).
Bader, R.: Spatial cognitive timbre dimensions of physical modelling sounds using Multi-Dimensional Scaling Techniques (MDS). In: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 3184 (2007).
Bader, R.: Finite-element transient calculation of a bell struck by a clapper. mit: Bjrn-Andre Lau, Peter Wriggers, Albrecht Schneider In: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3290 (2006).
Bader, R.: Amplitude fluctuations within musical instrument sounds because of impulse reflections. In: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3382 (2006).
Bader. R.: Finite-element calculation of a bass drum. In: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3290 (2006).
Bader, R.: Complete Geometric Computer Simulation of a Classical Guitar. Lay-Language paper of the American Acoustical Society 05, http://www.aip.org/149th/bader_Guitar.htm, 2005.
Bader, R.: Identifying Musical Instruments through their Microrhythms. Lay-Language paper of the American Acoustical Society 05, http://www.aip.org/149th/bader_microrhythm.htm, 2005.
Bader, R.: Die Klangsynthese von Musikinstrumenten. Interview des Deutschlandfunks im Rahmen der Ausstellung-Installation-Konzert 'Music Complexes', während der Tagung Dynamic Days Europe 05 an der TU Berlin, http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/wib/437312/ , Beispiel 3, Sendung am13.11. 2005. Wiederholung dieser Sendung am 22.3. um 18:06 im Bayrischen Rundfunk BR2.
Klangforschung an der Geige. Sendetermin: 7.10.2005, Deutschlandradio Kultur. Redaktion: Susanne Pütz Klangforschung an der Geige. Sendetermin: Sommer 2005, NDR Kultur. Redaktion: Susanne Pütz.
Bader, R.: Whole geometry Finite-Difference modeling of the violin. In: Proceedings of the Forum Acusticum 2005, 629-634, 2005.
Bader, R.: Nonlinearities in the sound production of the classical guitar. In: Proceedings of the Forum Acusticum 2005, 685-689, 2005.
Lau, A., Spiess, P., Wriggers, P., Schneider, A., Bader, R.: Analysis of bell vibrations. In: 2nd Conference on Advances and Application of GiD. Barcelona, Feb. 2004. Preprints. Intern. Center for numerical methods in engineering.
Bader, R.: Turbulence eddy viscosity in flute-like instruments. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2004.
Bader, R.: Additional modes in transients of a Balinese Gender dasa plate. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116, 2621, 2004.
Bader, R.: Multiphonic model of split pressure-phase modes using Finite-Element-Method. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2004.
Bader, R.: Physical model of a complete classical guitar body. In: Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2003, R. Bresin (ed.) Vol. 1, 21-124, 2003.
Schneider, A. & Bader, R.: Musical instrument acoustics and psychoacoustics: interdependencies between vibrational behaviour of instruments and perceptual issues. Invited lecture, 5th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-02, Hamburg, Universität der Bundeswehr, 27. September 2002.
Bader, R.: Analyse- und Synthesesoftware der musikalischen Akusik. Bereitstellung einiger WINDOWS-Programme u.a. zur Simulierung des Streichvorgangs bei der Geige. Programme zum download unter http://www.suul.org in der DownloadSoftware Sektion.
Bader, R.: Fractal dimensions of initial transients of musical instruments. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 110, 5, 2755, 2001.
Bader, R. & Markuse, B.: Perception and analysing methods of Groove in Popular Music. In: Systematic Musicology 2 (1), 145 -154 , 1994.
Bader, R. & Markuse, B.: Perception and Analyzing Methods of Groove in Popular Music. In: Proceedings of the International Conference for Music Perception and cognition. Irène Deliège (ed.), Universität Liege, S. 401-402, 1994.
Dictionary Papers
Bader, Rolf: Sauveur, Joseph. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG), Bärenreiter, (in print) 2006/07.
Bader, Rolf: Savart, Felix. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG), Bärenreiter (in print) 2006/07.