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Bader, Rolf. “Modeling Temporal Lobe Epilepsy during Music Large-Scale Form Perception Using the Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) Brain Model ”. electronics 13(2). (2024): S. 362.
Martínez Orellanos, Cristhiam Fidel & Bader, Rolf. “Machine Learning-based Analysis of a Physics-Informed Data Set of a Viscoelastic Damped Membrane”. Fortschritte der Akustik — DAGA 2024 (2024): S. 983-986.
Xia, Yang & Bader, Rolf. “Machine Learning of Timbre Features for The Western Chinese Free-Reed Instrument Hulusi”. Fortschritte der Akustik — DAGA 2024 (2024): S. 1050-1053.
Bader, Rolf. “Guitar spectrum smoothing using metamaterial hollow fans”. Fortschritte der Akustik — DAGA 2024 (2024): S. 134-137.
Bader, Rolf, Mischo, Johannes, Gernert, Stefanie & Mischo, Hendrik. “Metamaterial Labyrinth Wall Low-Frequency Sound Absorption Measurements for Restaurant Room Acoustics and Decorative Applications”. 2024. (2024): S. 2024031178.
Bader, Rolf, Linke, Simon & Gernert, Stefanie . “Nonlinear Impulse Pattern Formulation dynamical social and political prediction algorithm for city planning and public participation”. ArXiv Preprint (2024): S. 14.
Bader, Rolf. “Neural Coincidence Detection Strategies during Perception of Multi-Pitch Musical Tones”. Applied Sciences 14. (2024): S. paper number: 7446.
Bader, Rolf (Hg.). Computergestützte Archivierung von Tonträgern. Cham: Springer, 2024.
Kontopidis, Patrick & Bader, Rolf. “Metamaterial Labyrinth Absorption Frequency and Amplitude Dependency on Additionally attached Plate”. DAGA 2023 - 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik (2023) (2023): S. 1591-1593.
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “Modeling-applications of the Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) on musical instruments and beyond”. DAGA 2023 - 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik (2023) (2023): S. 995-998.
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “Model-based sonification based on the impulse pattern formulation”. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 17(4). (2023)
Alexandraki, Chrisoula, Starakis, Michael, Zervas, Panagiotis & Bader, Rolf. “Inferring Drumhead Damping and Tuning from Sound Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Models”. acoustics 5(3). (2023)
Bader, Rolf. “Long radiation initial transient time (RITT) laser interferometry measurements of a Balinese gender bronze plate”. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 49. (2022)
Linke, Simon, Mores, Robert & Bader, Rolf. “Describing minimum bow force using Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) – an empirical validation”. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 49. (2022)
Bader, Rolf & Plath, Niko. “Impact of Damping on Oscillation Patterns on the Plain Piano Soundboard”. Acoustics 4(4). (2022): S. 1013-1027.
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “Multiphonic modeling using Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF)”. ArXiv Preprint (2022)
Sawicki, Jakub, Hartmann, Lenz, Bader, Rolf & Schöll, Eckehard. “Modelling the perception of music in brain network dynamics”. Frontiers in Network Physiology 2. (2022)
Bader, Rolf. “The music of Northern Myanmar Kachin ethnic group, facing politics, religion, and globalization”. SocArXiv (2021)
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “The fretted zither and the influence of a supporting table on its initial transients—An impulse pattern formulation model”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2021)
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “Influence of the supporting table on initial transients of the fretted zither: An impulse pattern formulation model”. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 43. (2021)
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “Modeling synchronization in human musical rhythms using Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF)”. ArXiv Preprint (2021)
Bader, Rolf, Blaß, Michael & Franke, Jonas. “Computational timbre and tonal system similarity analysis of the music of Northern Myanmar-based Kachin compared to Xinjiang-based Uyghur ethnic groups”. ArXiv Preprint (2021)
Bader, Rolf. “How Music Works. A Physical Culture Theory”. (2021)
Bader, Rolf, Zielke, Axel & Franke, Jonas. “Timbre-based machine learning of clustering Chinese and Western Hip Hop music”. Audio Engineering Society Convention 150. (2021)
Pauli, Theresa & Bader, Rolf. “Analysis and perception of a viscoelastic, frequency-dependent Finite-Difference Time Domain damping model of a drum”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(4). (2021): S. A122.
Fischer, Jost Leonhardt, Blass Michael, Plath Niko. “Computational Phonogram Archiving: a generic framework for knowledge discovery in music archives”. Physics Today 73(12). (2020): S. 50-55.
Bader, Rolf, Gernert, Stefanie & Mischo, Johannes. “Metamaterial labyrinth wall for very low and broad-band sound absorption”. Researchgate Preprint (2020) Researchgate [PDF]
Bader, Rolf. “Neural coincidence detection strategies during perception of multi-pitch musical tones”. ArXiv Preprint (2020)
Hartmann, Lenz & Bader, Rolf. “Neural synchronization of music large-scale form”. ArXiv Preprint (2020)
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “The impulse pattern formulation (IPF) as a model of musical instrument — Investigation of stability and limits”. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29(10). (2019)
Linke, Simon, Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “The Impulse Pattern Formulation (IPF) as a nonlinear model of musical instruments”. International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA 2019) (2019): S. 349-358.
Bader, Rolf. “Computational Phonogram Archiving”. 5. (2019)
Bader, Rolf. “Computational Music Archiving as Physical Culture Theory”. 5. (2019): S. 3-34.
Bader, Rolf. “Temperament in tuning systems of southeast asia and ancient india”. 5. (2019): S. 75-107.>
Franke, Jonas. “Requirements and Use Cases for Digital Sound Archives in Ethnomusicology”. 5. (2019)
Blaß, Michael & Bader, Rolf. “Content-Based Music Retrieval and Visualization System for Ethnomusicological Music Archives”. 5. (2019): S. 145-173.10.1007/978-3-030-02695-0_7
Bader, Rolf, Fischer, Jost, Münster, Malte, Kontopidis, Patrick. “Metamaterials in Musical Acoustics”. Proceedings of ISMA 2019, International Symposium on Music Acoustics (2019): S. 432-449.
Bader, Rolf, Fischer, Jost, Münster, Malte, Kontopidis, Patrick. “Metamaterials in musical acoustics: A modified frame drum”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145(5). (2019): S. 3086-3094.
Bader, Rolf (Hg.). Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology. Springer Handbooks, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2018.
Bader, Rolf. “Musical Instruments as Synchronized Systems”. Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology. Hg. Rolf Bader. Springer Handbooks, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2018, S. 171-196.
Bader, Rolf. “Cochlear spike synchronization and neuron coincidence detection model”. Chaos 28(2). (2018): S. Paper-Number: 023105.
Bader, Rolf & Mores, Robert. “Cochlear detection of double-slip motion in cello bowing”. ArXiv Preprint 1804.05695. (2018)
Alexandraki, Chrisoula & Bader, Rolf. “Anticipatory Networked Communications for Live Musical Interactions of Acoustic Instruments”. Journal of New Music Research 45(1). (2016): S. 68-85.
Bader, Rolf. “Microphone Array”. Springer Handbook of Acoustics. 2. Hg. Thomas D. Rossing. Springer Handbooks, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, S. 1179-1207.
Bader, R., Leman, M., Godoy, R.-I. (Hg.). Sound - Perception - Performance. Current Research in Systematic Musicology, 1. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. Springer Buch Springer Buchreihe (About) Springer Buchreihe (Titles) Springerlink (Series) Springerlink (Book)
Bader, Rolf. Nonlinearities and Synchronization in Musical Acoustics and Music Psychology. Current Research in Systematic Musicology, 2. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. Springer Buch Springer Buchreihe (About) Springer Buchreihe (Titles) Springerlink (Series) Springerlink (Book)
Bader, Rolf. “Synchronization and Self-Organization as Basis of Musical Performance, Sound Production, and Perception”. Sound - Perception - Performance. Hg. Rolf Bader. Current Research in Systematic Musicology, 1. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, S. 3-41.
Bader, Rolf. “Radiation characteristics of multiple and single sound hole vihuelas and a classical guitar”. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(1). (2012): S. 819-828.
Bader, Rolf. “Characterizing Classical Guitars Using Top Plate Radiation Patterns Measured by a Microphone Array”. Acta Acustica United With Acustica 97(5). (2011): S. 830-839.
Bader, Rolf. “Reconstruction of radiating sound fields using minimum energy method”. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127(1). (2010): S. 300-308.
Bader, Rolf & Hansen, Uwe. “Modeling of Musical Instruments”. Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics. 1. Hg. David Havelock, Sonoko Kuwano & Michael Vorländer. New York: Springer, 2008, S. 419-446.
Bader, Rolf. “Turbulent κ — ε model of flute-like musical instrument sound production”. Fractals in Engineering. New Trends in Theory and Applications (2005): S. 109-121.
Bader, Rolf. Computational Mechanics of the Classical Guitar. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2005.