Rachid Bouzidi, M.A.
Foto: Rachid Bouzidi
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften
Fachbereich Kulturgeschichte und Kulturkunde
Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraumes
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 (West)
20146 Hamburg
- Mediterranean antic cultures, Western Mediterranean
- Archaeology, excavation technics and stratigraphy
- Architecture, urbanism and fortifications
- Latin, Libyan, Punic and Neo-punic epigraphy and iconography
- Mosaïc, ceramics and pottery industry
Scientific career
since 2021 | Ph.D candidate at the Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Hamburg. Project: "Volubilis. The long-term urban development in the light of archaeological finds from the tumulus area excavations", supervisor : Prof. Dr. Christof Berns. |
2010 - 2011 | The Getty Conservation Institute (Los Angeles) and the ICCROM (Roma) Scholarship for field training work on "Conservation and Management of Mosaïcs on Archaeological Sites". |
2002 | M.A. National Institute of Heritage and Archaeological Sciences (Rabat), Classical Archaeology, thesis title : "Archaeological research on the tumulus area (Volubilis - Morocco)", in French, Degree of the third cycle on heritage and archaeological sciences. |
Employment history
11/2010 - 5/2021 | Part-time lecturer at various Moroccan universities (University Moulay Ismaïl in Meknez, Taza Multidisciplinary University, University Mohammed V in Rabat, University Ben’Msik in Casablanca). |
2017 - 2019 | Heritage and archaeologist expert at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO). |
2002 - 2017 | Heritage and archaeologist expert at the Department of Culture, Morocco. |
until 2012 | Staff Member of some Moroccan and international archaeological excavations and surveys projects (archaeological sites of Sala, Volubilis, Banasa, Zilil (Morocco). |
2001 - 2012 | Co-Supervisor the archaeological mission staff working on the area to the east of the basilica (Volubilis - Morocco), University Moulay Ismaïl in Meknez and Directorate of Volubilis. |
1996 - 2001 | HArchaeologist responsible for excavations and research on the tumulus and its surrounding area (Volubilis - Morocco), National Institute of Heritage and Archaeological Sciences - Rabat. |
2019 | Makdoun, M., Ichkhakh, A., Limane, H., Leclercq, S., Rhaiti (el), M., Bouzidi, R., Recherches archéologiques sur la partie nord-est et est du quartier monumental du site de Volubilis, Thematic Program for Supporting Scientific Research (PROTARS P3T2/06), Moulay Ismaïl University Publications, Meknez (Morocco), 2019. |
2018 | Bouzidi, R. "Volubilis au miroir de l’histoire", in "Le patrimoine culturel du Maroc", The Ministry of Culture Publications, ed. La Croisée des Chemins, Casablanca, 2018, p. 124-141. |
2014 | Bouzidi, R., "Arab historic cities: Challenges of conservation, management and development, some case studies", paper n° 6952, TS10H- Geospatial Data and Geospatial planning, FIG Congress 2014, Engaging the challenges, Enhancing the relevance, (Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, 16th-21th June, 2014), p. 1-19. |
2010 | Dessandier, D., El Rhodani, M., Kemel, S., Bromblet, P., Lazzarini, A-L., Leroux, L., Vallet, J-M., Varti-Matarangas, M., Bouzidi, R., Guide des pierres du site antique de Volubilis (Maroc), The Moulay Ismaïl University Publications, Meknez, 2010. |
2009 | Dessandier, D., El Rhodani, M., Kemel, S., Bromblet, P., Daehne, A., Vallet, J-M., Linke, J., Bouzidi, R., Guide for the stones conservation of the archaeological site of Volubilis (Morocco), ed. BRGM/RP-55539-FR, Marseille, 2009. |
2009 | Fili, A., Chergui, A., Bouzidi, R., "La céramique islamique à peinture rouge de Volubilis : Etude préliminaire et révision sur l'occupation islamique", Proccedings del VIII Congreso Internacional de Ceramica Medieval, Tomo I, Ciudad Real, 2009, p. 533-556. |
2008 | Dessandier, D., El Rhodani, M., Kemel, S., Lazzarini, L., Leroux, L., Antonelli, F., Varti-Matarangas, M., Bouzidi, R., Atlas of ornemental and building stones of Volubils ancient site (Morocco), BRGM/RP-55539-FR, 166 p, 135 fig, 28 tabl et 3 app., Marseille, 2008. |
2008 | Bouzidi, R., "Du périple d’Hannon au voyage d’Eudoxe de Cyzique : Image de la Libye au-delà des Colonnes d’Hercule", Proceedings of the 130ème congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques (Explorations et voyages scientifiques de l’Antiquité à nos jours), (La Rochelle, 2005), ed. CTHS, n° 34, Paris, 2008, p. 519-552. |
2004 | Bouzidi, R., "Nouvelle inscription libyque découverte à Volubilis", Proccedings of the colloque international sur les origines de l’écriture en Afrique du nord, The King Abdùlaziz Al Saùd Foundation (Casablanca, 17-18 janvier, 2002), Casablanca, 2004, p.49-54. |
2004 | Bouzidi, R., "Note sur la datation de la maison au bassin octogonal (Volubilis)", in Khanoussi, M., Ruggeri, P., Vismara, C. (eds), L’Africa Romana, Atti del XV Convegno di studio (Tozeur, 11-15 dicembre, 2002), Rome, 2004, p. 1943-1949. |
2004 | Bouzidi, R., "Le rempart préromain et le monument à l’inscription au bouclier punique de Volubilis", in Khanoussi, M., Ruggeri, P., Vismara, C. (eds), L’Africa Romana, Atti del XV Convegno di studio (Tozeur, 11-15 dicembre, 2002), Rome, 2004, p. 1923-1943. |
2003 | Bouzidi, R., "Le Maroc, mémoire d’une longue histoire et miroir d’un héritage humain", in La Magie du Maroc, Helsinki - Finlande, 2003, p. 13-16. |
2001 | Risse, M., mit Beiträgen von Limane, H., Ichkhakh, A., Kreikenbom, D., Müller, S., Bouzidi, R., "Volubilis, Eine römische Stadt in Marokko von der Frühzeit bis in die islamische Periode, (Under direction of Risse, M.), ed. Philipp von Zabern, Berlin, 2001. |
2001 | Bouzidi, R., "Die Wasserversorgung (trad. Martina Riße), in Volubilis, Eine römische Stadt in "Marokko von der Frühzeit bis in die islamische Periode", ed. Philipp von Zabern, Berlin, 2001, p. 83-87. |
2001 | Bouzidi, R., "Trois nouveaux fours découverts à Volubilis", in Nouvelles archéologiques et Patrimoniales de l’Institut national des Sciences d’Archéologique et du Patrimoine, 4, Rabat, 2001, p. 4. |
2000 | Bouzidi, R., "Nouvelle maison romaine de Volubilis", in Khanoussi, M., Ruggeri, P., Vismara, C. (eds), L’Africa Romana, Atti del XIII Convegno di studio (Djerba, 10-13 dicembre, 1998), Roma, 2000, p. 1789-1802. |
Presentations and Workshops
30 November 2019 | "Archaeological heritage in urban contexts", The International symposium on : "Heritage in the the Mediterranean region", Univeristy of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah in Fez (Fez, 28th-30th November, 2019) |
9 May, 2015 | "The Mauretanian stratigraphic contexts in the Moroccan ancient cities", Conference on : "The ancient heritage of Maghreb : From origins to the end of African kingdoms", University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah in Fez and MEDISTONE (Fez, 7th-9th May, 2015). |
31 March, 2013 | "Mauretanian cities in Morocco", the first international conference on the mauretanian heritage, University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah in Fez and MEDISTONE Association (Fez-Morocco, 29th-31th March, 2013). |
23 March, 2013 | ""Preventive archaeology and urban restoration : Challenges and issues", Training course at Ferrara Fair "Restauro", "Italian Association for Architecture, art and urban restoration" (Roma – Italy, 17th – 23th March, 2013. |
28 May, 2009 | "Stones origins in Roman cities (Western Mediterranean)", the 2nd international workshop of the Euro-mediterranean project (MEDISTONE) : "Preservation of ancient mediterranean sites in terms of their ornamental and building stones – Identification and determination of the origins of stones", (University of Cairo-Egypt, 25th-28th May, 2009). |
24 October, 2008 | "Conservation of mosaïcs in Volubilis", the 10th conference of the International Commettee of Mosaïc Conservation - ICCM, ICCROM (Palermo - Italia, 21th-24th october, 2008). |
9 February, 2007 | "The olive presses from ancient Morocco", the international conference on olives in Mediterranean region, University of Manouba (Soussa - Tunisia, 7th-9th February, 2007). |
30 November, 2004 | "Preventive archaeology in urban contexts : some case studies", the Maghrebin seminar organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Culture of Algeria and the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research in France (INRAP), on : “Heritage and Amenagement of territory : Preventive archaeology” (Algiers, 26th-30th November, 2004). |
7 July, 2001 | "The museum project of Volubilis: Challenges and aims of the first site museum in Morocco”, the 19th General Conference and the 20th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums (ICOM, Barcelona, 1st-7th July, 2001). |
Coordinator and Scientific Commettee Member
27 October, 2011 | The 11th International conference of the Commette of Conservation of Mosaïc - ICCM (Meknez - Morocco, 21th-27th october, 2011). |
24 October, 2009 | The 1st International conference of Ravenna Musiva "Conservazione e Restauro del Mosaico Antico e Contemporaneo" (Ravenna - Italy, 22th - 24th October, 2009). |
21 March, 2008 | The 1st International workshop of the Euro-mediterranean project (MEDISTONE) : "Preservation of ancient mediterranean sites in terms of their ornamental and building stones : Identification and determination of the origins of stones", (Moulay Idriss Zerhoun - Morocco, 20th-21th March, 2008). |
- ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites)
- ICOM (International Council of Museums)
- ICMAH (International Commette of of Museums of Archaeology and History)