Samantha Lutz, M.A.
PhD Candidate
- by appointment via e-mail
- Digital heritage and intangible heritage
- Sustainability and sustainable development
- Discourse analysis and discourse ethnography
- Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis
- Collaborative research and cross-generational learning in Cultural Anthropology
- Urban diversity and politics
Academic Qualifications
since 04/2015
- Master of Higher Education at the University of Hamburg, Germany
since 03/2014
- PhD Candidate at the Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Project Manager at the H2020 MSCA-ETN “Participatory Memory Practices”
- Website: POEM (European Training Network – Participatory Memory Practices) Twitter: @POEM_H2020
- Research Associate at the Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History
2011 – 2013
- Master in Communication and Cultural Management (Master of Arts), Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
2007- 2011
- Bachelor European Studies (Bachelor of Arts), University of Passau, Germany, with semesters abroad at Masaryk University (Brno) and University of West Bohemia (Pilsen) in the Czech Republic
Research Interests and Expertise
- Digital heritage and intangible heritage
- Sustainability and sustainable development
- Discourse analysis and discourse ethnography
- Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis
- Collaborative research and cross-generational learning in Cultural Anthropology
- Urban diversity and politic
- Koch, Gertraud / Economou, Maria / Huvila, Isto / Lutz, Samantha / Tietmeyer, Elisabeth / Smith, Rachel Charlotte (eds., 2023). Participatory Memory Practices: Digital Media, Design, Futures. Routledge: London.
- Lutz, Samantha (2021). Living Heritage: Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext des UNESCO-Übereinkommens zur Erhaltung des Immateriellen Kulturerbes und der Digitalisierung von Kulturerbe. In: Gertraud Koch, Johannes Moser, Lara Hansen, Stefanie Mallon (eds.). Welt. Wissen. Gestalten. Hamburg, pp. 371-381.
- Franken, Lina/Hansen, Lara/Lutz, Samantha/Stumpf, Teresa/Tijerina García, Alejandra/Koch, Gertraud (2019). Inquiries into Epistemologies and Ethics. Collaborative Knowledge Production in Cross-Generational Research. Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie, 10 (2019), pp. 79–97.
- Lutz, Samantha (2019). Open Knowledge als Gegenstrategie zur Ökonomisierung von Kulturerbe? Heritage-Politiken in der EU [Open Knowledge as an Alternative Approach to the Economization of Culture in Europe. Heritage Politics in the EU]. In: Karl Braun, Claus-Marco Dieterich, Johannes Moser, Christian Schönholz (eds.). Wirtschaften. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Marburg, pp. 435–441.
- Lutz, Samantha (eds.). Special Issue {D1G1TAL HER1TAGE}, Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie, 07 (2018).
- Koch, Gertraud; Schmidt, Antje; Lutz, Samantha (2017): Sharing is Caring - Hamburg Extension Closing Statement.
- Lutz, Samantha (2018): {D1G1TAL HER1TAGE}. From Cultural Heritage to Digital Heritage. In: Samantha Lutz (ed.): D1G1TAL HER1TAGE. Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie (7). Universität Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, pp. 3–23.
- Lutz, Samantha / Koch, Gertraud (2017). Sustainability, Sustainable Development and Culture. Diverging Concepts and Practices in Heritage Work . In: Marie-Theres Albert, Francesco Bandarin & Ana Pereira Roders (eds.). Going Beyond. Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2. Springer: Wiesbaden, pp. 71–84.
- Lutz, Samantha (2017). Gelebte Traditionen. Über die nachhaltige Entwicklung von immateriellem Kulturerbe in Schleswig-Holstein und Deutschland [Living Heritage. On the Sustainable Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein and Germany], Schleswig-Holstein: Die Kulturzeitschrift für den Norden, 2 (2017), pp. 1–5.
- Koch, Gertraud / Lutz, Samantha / Stumpf, Teresa / Tijerina García, Alejandra (2014). Achieving Temporal and Local Multidimensionality: Experiments in Cross-Generational Research Collaboration, Conference Paper presented at EASA 2014: Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution (August 01, 2014). Tallinn, Estonia.
- Koch, Gertraud / Lutz, Samantha / Stumpf, Teresa / Tijerina García, Alejandra (2014). Living Gentrification: Rethinking Displacement in Urban Redevelopment Processes from the Perspective of Berlin-Neukölln , Discussion Paper (July 31, 2019). Zenodo.
- Lutz, Samantha (2014). Endstation Neukölln oder das Paradies? Der Berliner BiOriental-Markt in Bewegung, Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde, 110 (2014), pp. 31–45.
Affiliations and Memberships
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (DGEKW)
- DGEKW-Kommission Digitale Anthropologie
- SIEF International Society for Ethnology (sief)
- Graduate School – Humanities Doctoral Program
- Digilab – Knowledge hub/Network for Digital Anthropology at the Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg
- Non-profit association “3rund e.V.” for bridging scientific research and social fields of practice, University of Hamburg
Recent Conference and Workshop Presentations
Lutz, Samantha (2021). “Sustainability as New Memory Modality? Exploring the Role of Sustainability and Digital Media in Culture”, Co-organised Panel “Opening Up Memory Making. Inquiries into Memory Modalities in Digital Media Ecologies”, 15th SIEF Congress 2021 Breaking the rules? Power, Participation, Transgression, online (18.-24.06.2021).
Economou, Maria / Galani, Areti / Koch, Gertraud / Lutz, Samantha (2020). “Digital Heritage-Making Processes for Envisioning Inclusive Futures”, in collaboration with the H2020 EU projects CoHERE and EMOTVE at the 5th Biennial Conference ACHS 2020 FUTURES of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, online (26.-30.08.2020).
Lutz, Samantha (2020). “Sustainable Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage for Future Generations in Europe? Diverging Ideas of Sustainability in the Context of Reuse”, 5th Biennial Conference ACHS 2020 FUTURES of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, online (26.-30.08.2020).
Lutz, Samantha (2019). “Follow me – Social Media in the Context of Scientific Careers”, invited ignite talk about the POEM Social Media Strategy at the lecture series Pro Exzellenzia meets UHH: Sustainability of Careers in Science, University of Hamburg, Germany (13.11.2019).
„Living Heritage: Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext des UNESCO-Übereinkommens zur Erhaltung des Immateriellen Kulturerbes [Living Heritage: Sustainability of Cultural Heritage in the Context of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage“, 42nd Biennal Conference of the German Society of Folklore 2019 [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde] World. Knowledge. Design., Hamburg, Germany (07.-10.10.2019).
“ECHY Studio – For the Young, by the Young: Cross-Generational Research for the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018”, with Ragna Quellmann, Julia Rausch & Olivia Stracke, Sharing is Caring 2017 Digitisation and Social Impact?, Aarhus, Denmark (19.-21.11.2017).
“Open Knowledge als Gegenentwurf zur Ökonomisierung von Kultur in Europa? [Open Knowledge as an Alternative Approach to the Economization of Culture in Europe?]”, 41nd Biennal Conference of the German Society of Folklore 2017 [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde] Wirtschaften, Panel „Widerstand zwecklos? Praktiken gegen Kommodifizierung und Marktfundamentalismus in zentralen Bereichen europäischer Politik“, Marburg, Germany (20.-23.09.2017).
“Intangible Cultural Heritage in Germany”, invited keynote at the Information Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Germany organized by the association Schleswig-Holsteinischer Heimatbund, the Ministry of Justice, Culture, and Europe of the Federal State Schleswig-Holstein, and the German UNESCO Commission, Kiel, Germany (19.03.2017).
“Sustainability and Culture. Diverging Concepts and Practices of Heritage Work in the Digital Age”, SIEF Digital Folklore Conference Towards Digital Folkloristics, Riga, Latvia (14.-16.09.2016).
“Big data in den ‘sozialen Medien‘. Qualitative Forschungsstrategien und ihre informationstechnischen Herausforderungen am Beispiel von Twitter [Big Data on ‘Social Media’. Qualitative Research Strategies and their Information Technology Challenges Using the Example of Twitter]”, with Gertraud Koch & Roman Knipping-Sorokin, Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften (FORGE 2015) [Research Data in the Humanities], Hamburg, Germany (17.09.2015).
“Neukölln in Bewegung: Stadtpolitische Diskurse, Netzwerkstrukturen und (Um-)Wege der Integration”, with Teresa Stumpf & Alejandra Tijerina García, Workshop Fokus Neukölln I, Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin, Germany (19.06.2015).
“Qualitative Data Analysis of Social Media”, with Gertraud Koch & Roman Knipping-Sorokin, Social Media Week Hamburg 2015 Upwardly Mobile: The Rise of the Connected Class, Hamburg, Germany (27.02.2015).
“Achieving Temporal and Local Multidimensionality. Experiments in Cross-Generational Research Collaboration”, with Gertraud Koch, Teresa Stumpf & Alejandra Tijerina García, 13th EASA Biennal Conference 2014 Collaboration, Intimacy and Revolution Conference, Panel “Ethnography as collaboration/experiment”, Tallinn, Estonia (31.07.-03.08.2014).
SoSe 2021
Co-Teaching “MA Community Based Research: Social Impact Evaluation in the Cultural Sector” with Prof. Gertraud Koch and Nils Geib in collaboration with the Department of Socio-Economics, University of Hamburg -
SoSe 2020
Invited guest lecture at the online Lecture Series “Nachhaltigkeit in den Geisteswissenschaften”, University of Hamburg -
WiSe 2017/18
Undergraduate Seminar “Sustainability in Culture? On the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Europe”, Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History -
WiSe 2016/17
Undergraduate Seminar “Introduction to scientific methods and learning through research”, Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg -
SoSe 2016
Undergraduate Seminar “Digital Heritage”, Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg -
WiSe 2015/16
Lecture Series “D1G1TAL HER1TAGE”, Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg -
SoSe 2015
Research Practice “Discourse Analysis”, Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg -
WiSe 2014/15
Research Practice “Grounded Theory and Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA”, Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg -
WiSe 2012/13
Co-Teaching “Discourse Analysis” with Prof. Gertraud Koch at Zeppelin University
PhD Research Project
- Negotiating sustainabilities in the cultural sector. An ethnographic discourse analysis of sustainability strategies in the field of digital heritage in Europe (Working Title)
Sustainability has gained growing global recognition as a key concept of international and local governance approaches and, more recently, has been introduced in the field of cultural politics (e.g. UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage, European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, eCulture Agenda 2020 of Hamburg). However, the meaning of sustainability in the context of culture remains open. These developments and their relevance for the field of heritage management and memory work have not yet been scientifically explored.
In recent decades, European memory institutions (e.g. libraries, archives, and museums) have attempted to integrate digital technologies into their memory work, raising questions of the status and impact of digital technologies on both European heritage work and everyday practices of remembering. In light of an increasing number of digitized heritage and born-digital cultural materials, questions about the meaning and significance of our past legacy for contemporary and future heritage designs, as well as practices of world-making are becoming ever more important.
The research project addresses this research gap through a discourse ethnography of meta-cultural productions (Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 2004) in the European heritage regime, analysing imaginations, governance technologies, material frameworks and regulations as well as safeguarding practices on how to ‘sustainably’ maintain and circulate cultural heritage in the present and future digital times.
- Prof. Dr. Gertraud Koch
- Associate Prof. Dr. Rachel Charlotte Smith
- Co-organiser of the 8th DGEKW Conference “Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Politics and Materialities” of the Commission “Digital Anthropology” (14.-16.09.2022), Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, Hamburg, Germany.
- Young heritage studio – cross-generational knowledge hub for the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology, Hamburg, Germany.
- Conference Sharing is Caring – Hamburg Extension 2018 Opening Up! Building Connectivity through Cultural Heritage, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg & the Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology, Hamburg, Germany (20.-21.04.2017).
- 10th dgv-Doctoral Student Conference #inprogress for the German Society of Folklore (dgv), HafenCity University Hamburg and Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology, Hamburg, Germany (17.-19.09.2015).